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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

StrollCity wants your tweets on Toronto subway screens

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Yesterday a new edition of the StrollCity project began. Much of my day is spent on a computer, but Twitter let me keep an eye on what’s going on in Toronto. My favorite tweets are the ones people do from locations around the city. For StrollCity, I tweet out a couple city-observations a day, and people respond, and they all go up on the Onestop screens in the subway stations. We even push the weather off the screen briefly! I don’t want my tweets to be the only ones up there, so for the next three weeks, tweet your own observations to the @StrollCity account and they’ll appear in rotation for a while. You can’t tweet too much, so start typing and let’s give ’em something to read. And if you don’t tweet, maybe this is a good reason to start?

Read more about the project here in the Globe and Mail and here from the Coach House site:

In fall of 2010, Onestop Media and Shawn Micallef, the author of Stroll: Psychogeographic Walking Tours of Toronto, teamed up for ‘Stroll City’, an interactive project that featured Micallef’s city explorations on Onestop’s network of TTC screens throughout Toronto. Micallef tweeted his city discoveries, and hundreds of TTC riders replied with comments and their own findings.

From June 1 to June 22, Micallef will again be tweeting his discoveries through the Twitter handle @StrollCity, in addition to his own feed. Torontonians are encouraged to respond to his tweets with comments and their own discoveries @StrollCity over the course of these three weeks. TTC riders can tweet their replies to Micallef’s texts or report their own street-level discoveries where they are in Toronto, which will then appear in an ever-changing spot that will run every 10 minutes on the Onestop TTC network of screens.

We’re hoping to get as many people as possible involved in this unique, groundbreaking opportunity: a city-wide, interactive media-art project that engages with Toronto and its citizens. If you’re on Twitter, please follow @StrollCity and start exploring Toronto this June!
