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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered



  1. What is the administrator of the anti-Zanta forum afraid of, hiding behind an anonymous email?

    While some may find Zanta annoying, how exactly do you ban someone from public space, like in front of CityTV? I angered a security guard on Zanta-watch at 299 Queen (after dropping my bike off for repairs last week) by exclaiming “look over there, it’s Zanta!”

    I’m from Brampton, and I know Brampton could use a few characters to liven up its cityscape. Shine on!

  2. Is there an anonymous forum advocating Thickslab move to brampton too? I’d join that. Jezz man, shed some of the black cloud before you get on the internet and say stuff.

  3. Zanta’s novelty appeal has long worn off and a move to Brampton might be good for him. Some people found him scary and I saw him wig out on people once on a sidewalk on Bloor 2 years ago leading to a police call.

  4. How hilarious that someone who writes anonymously under the name “Tired of the hater-complainers” should write a post hating and complaining.

  5. Zanta is a mentally disturbed individual who needs psychiatric assistance, not some charming bohemian “character”. That he’s developed into a quasi-celebrity recently, thanks to bloggers, facebook groups etc. is appalling.