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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Friday’s headlines

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• Protesters plan to stay into winter [The Star]
• Residents want protesters evicted, too: Holyday [The Sun]
• Let’s let winter evict Occupy Toronto protesters from camp [National Post]
• CUPW, OFL members join Occupy protesters in march on Bay Street [The Star]
• Union members join Occupy Toronto protesters in march [Globe & Mail]

• City representatives to check out elephant sanctuary [The Star]
• Princess warriors plan to invade city hall [The Star]

• Mayor Rob Ford’s statement [The Star]
• What the #!%* did Rob Ford say to the 911 operator? [National Post]
• Ford nervous, daughter screaming in 911 call: source [The Sun]
• Pressure mounts for Mayor Ford to release tape of 911 call [The Star]
• Mayor to dispatch: I’m annoyed [The Star]
• James: who leaked mayor’s 911 call? [The Star]
• Does Rob Ford need better security? [National Post]
• Ford foes put mayor in a bind [The Sun]
• This whole Ford 911 controversy [The Grid]

• Striking York transit staff hold rally [The Sun]
• Scene: strike rally at York Region Municipal headquarters [Torontoist]
• What’s next for the Railpath? [Torontoist]

• The ROM lowers ticket prices in bid to attract visitors [National Post]
• Unexpected: Anonymous retreat on its takedown [NOW]
• Projecting Toronto [Torontoist]