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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Less than a week until provincial election


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There is less than a week before we go to the polls and elect our next provincial government and decide the future of how we elect a government. Spacing has been covering the election on our other blog Spacing Votes for over a month now. We’ve been examining the platforms of each party and seeing how their policies affect Toronto’s urban landscape. Here are a bunch of links if you haven’t been following our daily posts.

Munro: hard truths about transit funding
The NDP takes us for a ride
PC transit critic has private eyes
Cansfield leaving transit behind in Etobicoke
Mississauga gives Greens a chance to debate
Munro: still waiting for transit promises
Operational funding takes a back seat
Munro: PC transit policy: announce often, ignore details

C’mon Dalton, just say the H-word…
Flipping Tory’s flop
Not up for debate, pt. VI: NDP and affordable housing
Not up for debate, pt. III: property taxes
Not up for debate, pt. II: transit promises
Not up for debate, pt. I: smart growth
The mating game begins: a NDP-Liberal coalition?
Greening the property tax
Earth calling Howard Hampton, come in Howard…

One-on-One with Bruce Cox, Greenpeace executive director
One-on-One with John Yakabuski, PC energy critic
One-on-One with Frank de Jong, Green party leader
One-on-One with Gord Perks, city councillor and eco-activist
Canvassing the Danforth with the messengers of green
Find your local polluters
Green ideas that deserve discussion

Disproportionality, pt. II
Disproportionality, pt. I
It’s time to bake the referendum cake
Greens announce their MMP list
The end of McGuintoryism: Andrew Coyne
MMP variations
A look at referendum ballot question
Politicians take sides on MMP
Web resources for MMP
MMP primer, pt. II
MMP primer, pt. I

David Caplan is a believer
How I learned to love the OMB
Why we should be talking about property taxes
The long shadow of the OMB
The shape of the province
OMB case studies
Connecting food and urban sprawl
Getting tough with smarth growth
Taking positions on the OMB
photo by Grant MacDonald
