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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Detroit’s abandoned train station

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Just discovered this well-done video of abandoned Michigan Central Terminal via Detroit Bazaar. Likely be the most depressing, heartbreaking thing you’ll see all day. What’s worse, is it was made twenty-years ago when much of the station was still intact, just after it closed. Two decades of urban-poachers have turned the place into a cement skeleton. I recall once seeing a video shown in a Windsor bar, perhaps ten years ago, of (Canadian) vandals going to the top floors and throwning toilets down the elevator shafts.


This video from 1999 shows what some of those folks have done to the place.

Nothing can make Toronto’s troubles seem tiny like thinking about Detroit can.



  1. I grew up in Windsor, and lived on the river my last few years before I moved to TO. I could look out my front window and see Michigan Central, which serves as *the* preeminent symbol of the unrelenting urban decay of Detroit. How very sad.

    There are large tracks of beautiful, old houses (well, they were until a decade+ of neglect or worse)in Detroit, that if situated in, say, The Annex would be $1M+ homes. Instead, those that are not condemned can be had for the price of a 1982 Chevette.

    Anyone who thinks Detroit is capable of resurrection is either entirely out of touch or under the influence of strong hallucinogens.

  2. Wow. what a beautiful place.