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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

A debate we don’t have in Toronto

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We’ve all walked the streets of Toronto and seen some weird thing that makes us wonder if it’s art or just … a weird thing. In Brooklyn they do that too, though “the weird thing” in this particular case is somewhat more extreme. From the fine folks at Curbed NY:

Perhaps you recall yesterday’s burned out car on Wythe Avenue in Williamsburg. It was followed by a CurbedWire report of a second toasted car. Then, we got an email with a night shot of a burned car flipped on its roof that said, “Is it art?” Heh, we thought, Williamsburg has changed so much that people think a burned out car is an art project instead of the traditional Brooklyn torched car. Then came an email today with another photo that says, “Looks like someone moved it a block north next to Diner, on Berry btw S. 5th and Broadway…” Careful analysis shows it is the same crispy Honda. Only it has been flipped on its roof and moved a block. So, is it an art project or someone that decided to turn arson into art? Where will it go next and will the city pick it up or ticket it?



  1. Haha, the traditional Brooklyn torched car is definitely a relic of the memory, wow.

    However, they said the way they knew the recent-ish French riots were over was when the number of burning cars dropped below 90, which is apparently the *nightly average* in Parisian suburbs.

  2. Damn, they’re always parked in the bike lane!!!