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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Friday’s headlines

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• Pools, arenas, zoos on budget hit list revealed at last [The Star]
• City urged to reconsider cuts to school pools [The Star]
• Ford defends layoff plans as overdue effects of amalgamation [Globe & Mail]
• Fiorito: sell-off has tenants on tenterhooks [The Star]
• Hume: private lives and public policy [The Star]
• Firefighters are not gravy! [Torontoist]

• Council keeps gun controls [The Star]
• Toronto city council debates motion that would undo gun range ban [Globe & Mail]
• OMB to decide future of Toronto gun bylaw [National Post]

• Councillors lose bid to transfer approval power to council for city worker lockout [National Post]
• Ford and unions still at loggerheads [The Sun]
• Union head says surplus could save city jobs [The Sun]

• TTC launching annual Christmas toy drive [The Sun]
• TTC management too friendly with union [The Sun]
• Five things to know about motorcycle parking in Toronto [National Post]

• Doug Ford to Star: drop dead [The Star]
• Ford fact check: when facts cease to matter [The Grid]
• Accusations of poor budgeting rile Brampton [The Star]
• Mississauga tax freeze finally thaws [Globe & Mail]
• St. James park grass tag could hit $60Gs [The Sun]
• Will Liberty Village get its much needed new street [The Grid]


  1. Ford is delusional if he thinks the Star lacks integrity, yet the Sun does not. Hell, the Sun resorted to childish name calling during Miller’s term, why did he not call them on being unprofessional on that when he was his boss?!

    If he wants to see real partisan attacks from the left, he should read Now. The Star provides a generally centred view with constructive criticism, which is apparently too much for Ford’s fragile ego.

  2. I don’t like Ford and he probably delusional… but not because he thinks the Star lacks integrity. Many people think the Star lacks integrity. How else to explain the constant harangue that Ford lied about “not cutting services” when McGuinty is generally given a free ride for any and all diversions from the truth that come out of his mouth. If the Star had integrity when writing about Toronto, they would consistently showcase how many of the City’s problems stem from Queen’s Park (Harris’ downloading followed by McGuinty’s failure to reverse, lack of strong regional planning). But they don’t.