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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered



  1. …as a counter point to the “Bad Day” TTC video that can be found in the menu after watching the commercial….

  2. There’s also the point that the “beef that’s rare” is gray and vastly overcooked!

  3. I totally forgot about that commerical but the jingle jogged my memory.

  4. Awwww… With the Hollywood writers’ strike wouldn’t CityTV want to rerun a few of these for a half-hour? Or sneak it into late-night talk shows for some CanCon?

  5. Wait…the TTC used to advertise itself on TV?
    I have NEVER seen one before. Did they stop?

  6. The TTC had a couple of good ads just a few years later (’89, ’90?). Would like to see them again.

  7. Hello,
    I posted that video and have some more TTC ads from 1988 that I will upload on the weekend. Glad people are enjoying it!