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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Spacing subscriptions and copies on newsstands


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Just a quick note to let Spacing subscribers know that their copies of the magazine were dropped in the mail today. You should start to see them appear in your mailbox by the end of the week. Our international subscribers should see their copies soon but we never know when they will arrive once they leave our country.

Also, for those of you who pick up the issue on newsstands: you can grab a copy starting on Thursday at Pages, This Ain’t The Rosedale Library, and the Book City and Presse Internationale chains. All stores across the city should have them in stock by Tuesday at the latest (check out our listing of stores that carry Spacing). If you like us so much that you’re consistently buying copies in stores, you should consider buying a subscription — cheaper for you, more money for the magazine. We both win.



  1. I had a subscription, but unfortunately the mailman insisted on folding my copy before delivery. The fold used to be across the binding and made reading the magazine awkward.

  2. Was just wondering do the city councillors get a free copy or subscription.I think if they did Rob Ford would be in a dilema cause he would want to “pay” for his own copy.What would be the protocal does spacing take the money?Or just throw him a freebie?

  3. Some councillors have subscriptions and pay for their copies. But we drop them into every councillor’s mailbox at City Hall. Everyone in the media gallery gets one too.