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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

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Spacing will begin to publish daily headline links in the very near future (thanks to those who have lobbied for the feature’s return). We normally provided links to the mainstream media articles at the Star, Globe, Post, and Sun, but we want to also include more links to the numerous blogs about Toronto.

In the comment section of this post, please provide us with links to the blogs you like and read about Toronto issues (obvious ones like Torontoist, BlogTO, and ReadingToronto are already on our radar). They can be group blogs (ie: Metreoblogging Toronto) or personal blogs ( who focuses on transit issues). Feel free to include your own blogs.

photo by Miles Storey 



  1. Heya! TasteTO deals with food in Toronto. Mostly restaurant reviews and such, but we also touch on any local issues to do with food such as street food vending, food banks, etc.

  2. Hi there,

    May I humbly submit our Toronto-based theatre company’s blog:

    The centrepiece of our content is the “10 questions” interview series, which recently hit its 50th interview milestone. Prominent Toronto-based theatre artists db young, Daniel MacIvor, Brendan Gall ande Christine Horne have all been interviewed (to name only a few), as well as arts admin folks such as Toronto Arts Council Executive Director Claire Hopkinson and Toronto Fringe Festival producer Bridget MacIntosh.

    Please check it out when you get a chance.

    Theatre, by its nature, is concerned with issues of space. It’s local. It’s live. And we love it.

    We love Spacing, too!



  3. I second Joe’s nomination of his blog.

    And I’m also going to put forward And the TPSC blog, which doesn’t exist yet, and may never exist, but if it does somehow come into being it should be included as well.

  4. Move Smartly – Our Toronto neighbourhoods and real estate blog

    Move Smartly is part chronicle and part guide. As writers, we are fascinated by the big questions—urban planning, city politics, real estate industry developments and lifestyle trends, as well as the more immediate ones—getting onto (and up) the property ladder in Toronto

  5. I can’t recall how I ended up on this site, it may have been from a spacing article but the “project for public spaces” website has great information that matches nicely with many of Spacing’s topics.

    As well a link to Waterfront Toronto.

    keep up the great work…
    looking forward to reading the new Spacing Issue!

  6. My blog ( focuses on news, information and resources for Landscape Architecture, Urbanism, Architecture, and Sustainability. I’m located in Toronto, so post a lot of Toronto-specific stuff. Think globally, act locally I suppose, would be the way it goes. I’d be honored to be listed on your site.