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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered


  1. From the Globe story on GIambrone:

    At the panel’s news conference, panel member Paul Massara – president of Genesis Capital Corp. – also appeared to fire a shot at certain members of the media, when asked why picayune details like councillors’ office budgets, such a focus inside the clamshell, weren’t mentioned in the report.

    “When we get into this councillor pays $10 on parking or $20 on this or $30 on that, you know, quite frankly, that is noise,” Mr. Massara said, arguing that sniping over such small amounts of money does nothing to address the city’s funding problems. “I actually think it runs down the city. I think it ends up running down the trust in politicians. And that’s a shame.”

    I hope the right leaning councillor listen to this since its coming from their base (a pro-biz CEO) and someone they would generally respect. But I’m sure they’ll find a way to ignore that.

  2. Well that noise is our tax dollars!Oh well I guess this means even higher taxes over the next two years.And please don’t complain just PAY!!!!!!