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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered


  1. Seems there is still a gun problem in Toronto.I saw a post card sent out by Jack Layton that asked constituents of his riding to send in (postage free of course we pay the freight).(These mailings are used to get an “interested” list for their party so that you can be canvassed for your vote).To tell Harper that we need to ban guns in toronto.It’s as if Jack has the solution.There seems to be very little going on at city hall about this.And the police force is in a fight over their contract with this city as well.

    I wonder if any real citizens have any ideas about this problem post it here for anybody to see “no charge”.

  2. I wonder if the trip to China will hurt Millers chances in the next federal election against Olivia Chow.I still don’t understand why he doesn’t cancel that expensive trip.Our sister city is Milan, we don’t need another.

  3. Hume:
    “Downsview Park is showing signs of life. There still aren’t any shovels in the ground, but the park’s recently appointed chair, David Soknacki – yes, that David Soknacki – is making things happen.”

    “in December, PDP got borrowing authority … would have been cause for concern, but with Soknacki at the helm, optimism doesn’t seem so out of place.”

    After this year’s “forgotten tax cut” leading to a raid on, of all things, the snow clearing reserve, along with the fiasco over leisure fee hikes – is anyone else nostalgic for our old budget chief? I sure am.

  4. Dave>thanks for bringing that article to our attention.Peter is a unique reporter and honest as they come.He is a friend and neighbour and I hope that someday he will finish the interview that he started with me before he was called away by his editor(that media problem again).I enjoy speaking with people who understand our city.Good for him and good luck with his book.Darkness at the edge of town,Peter Kuitenbrouwer.

  5. Awesome quote there from Rob Ford’s mother-in-law.

    “He make show. He is not normal.”

    Yes, we know.