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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered


  1. I could never understand why SNC-Lavalin would wait indefinitely for TTC/City of Toronto to get their act together… well it seems they wouldn’t after all.

  2. Wow, the Sun’s editorial on safe injection is predictably loaded with misinformation, bias and off-the-mark conclusions that I am tempted to call outright lies, such as the “build it and they will come” notion.

    If the Sun were in charge of making public health decisions, everybody would have hepatitis C and unwanted pregnancies.

  3. Kevin, those are the words of a Sun columnist. Today’s Sun editorial is an equally dim call for Adam Giambrone and Joe Mihevc to stop being “anti-capitalist” and start renaming subway stations for corporate sponsors. Apparently the free market will ensure stations aren’t wrapped in tacky advertising.

    Note to Sun editorial board: The tacky advertising train has left the station and more corporate influence would do anything but improve the situation.

  4. Being against naming a station for just a few million isn’t being anti-capitalist, it’s being anti-shitty-capitalism. As somebody in one of the papers did yesterday, look to Vancouver and their sponsorship levels, for a 10 day event. 50 million for top level sponsorship — translate that into the “forever” rights to a station. The sun should be against this proposal, as staunch capitalists, out for the best deal.

  5. holy crap – i don’t think i’ve ever been so livid as right now, after reading the sun article about the vancouver safe injection site…

    kevin is right. they’re outright lies. but then again, it is the sun, and what would they be if not sensational? (not even fit for toilet paper.)

  6. Re: Dukes

    Forget the demolition bill. That is peanuts compared to the increase in taxes. I think that the $75,000 per year increase should be a wake up call for just how unfair non residential taxes are in this city.

    I am sure most Spacing readers are familiar with Dukes. Do you really think that properties like that should pay or can afford such high taxes?

    Everyone hoping to see the area rebuilt as before should note that Toronto’s tax climate has produced an environment that makes nonresidential building financially perilous.

    Anyone want to buy a condo on Queen West?