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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered



  1. alright, pretty pictures! i should have thought of this. a ttc strike means the perfect opportunity to crawl all those otherwise forbidden spaces. phototrip!

  2. Why aren’t the TTC employees at least PICKETING? No one is going to side with you if you don’t try to get people on your side!

  3. I took today as an opportunity to see exactly how the TTC fits into my life and walked a journey this morning that I would normally take with Spadina LRT and subway. I walked right up the streetcar right of way and stepped in the shoes of a streetcar. Then I walked the distance of the two subway stations I normally use.
    I noticed all sorts of things that I pass by automatically when underground: the stone carving of a couple of kids in front of Animal Services on Spadina, the footprints and bike tracks in the cement just south of Lowther and Spadina that feel like archeological evidence of urban children at play, and countless breathtaking magnolia trees in full bloom.
    The highlight of the walk was passing by Casa Loma. Of all the important people who have places to be the one group in Toronto that’s being chauffeured like on any given Sunday is the group who needs it least: the tourists. One of those double decker “I can’t believe it’s not London” tour buses was pulling out as I passed by.