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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered


  1. “I think it indicated to many, many people that we could do this kind of work; we weren’t just bean counters.”

    I have always felt that the auditor-generals office is the most important in government.This is our “watchdog”that is not our enemy.So why doesn’t the office have the powers of a comptroller and actually have the ability to stop many of these questionable expenditures?Well politicians of every stripe have convinced the public that it would be undemocratic.LOLOL

    Well why not?The public believes every promise made by politicians.It’s time to change the powers of the auditor-general, I just hope it isn’t too late.Remember there is only one taxpayer.

  2. Re: council approves York St. tunnel

    Isn’t there already a tunnel connecting Union Station with the PATH network?

  3. George

    yes, but it’s approaching capacity. This tunnel would serve the University area rather than the current one which is more aligned to Bay.

    With both GO and TTC aiming to put 12-car train and Waterfront West streetcars into Union respectively, as well as a second subway platform, the numbers are looking likely to rise sharply in the next decade.