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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered


  1. It’s funny that the Sun didn’t think to mention the problem Toronto has of keeping the pools it DOES have open.

    Toronto may lack the sports/recreation infrastructure of other cities, but gaining new infrastructure through hosting the Olympics wouldn’t solve Toronto’s problem of a lack of funding (or lack of will?) to keep its public facilities operational.

    Chances are an Olympics hosted by Toronto would produce either privately-owned sports/rec facilities that would serve to both undermine our public facilities and add to the inequity between the rich and poor through hefty user fees, or publicly-owned (and corporate named) facilities that would be abandoned and/or sold off to the highest bidder once the Olympics were over.

    Don’t know about any of you, but I’m actually relieved that we haven’t won our recent Olympic bids.

  2. The Olympics is about TV, not about athletics. Melissa you are spot on.