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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Toronto transit summit comes to York University


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WHAT: Going to School transit summit
WHEN: Friday, September 28, 2012, 10am-4pm
WHERE: York University, the Underground Restaurant, York Student Centre (4700 Keele Street)
COST: $75, students & NGOs $20

Spacing is happy to partner with York University and the Canadian Urban Institute to bring you “Going to School: A Transit Conference for the GTHA”. (Register through the CUI’s website)

This forum is a call to action for the coordinated and sustained funding, construction and maintenance of a regional transit system to support and enhance the civic and economic vitality of Toronto and the entire Greater Golden Horseshoe region.

In a broad context of transportation and transit debates in the Toronto region, Going to School will focus on the needs and issues of providing smooth region-wide transportation for the 300 000 students, instructors and staff at Southern Ontario’s institutions of secondary education.

Join in this thought-provoking and action-oriented forum with the heads of the region’s colleges and universities, transit planners, regional transit chiefs and civic leaders. Come away with new perspectives on what makes the region a region, and the transformative power of effective and efficient transit networks.

10:00 Opening Remarks
Roger Keil, Director, City Institute at York University

10:15 Opening Keynote Address
The Honourable Kathleen Wynne
Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Province of Ontario

10:45 Panel 1 – Presidents Panel
John Tory, Chair, Greater Toronto CivicAction Alliance (moderator)
Mamdouh Shoukri, President, York University
Tim McTiernan, President, University of Ontario Institute of Technology
Chris Whittaker, President, Humber College Institute of Technology & Advanced Learning
Deanne Fisher, AVP, Students, OCAD University

11:45 Break

12:00 Panel 2 – Transit and Land Use: planning for transit-oriented (campus) development
Jennifer Keesmaat, Chief Planner, City of Toronto (moderator)
Bryan Tuckey, President and CEO, Building Industry and Land Development Association
Chris Wong, Director of Transportation and Master Planning, York University Development Corporation
Marcy Burchfield, Geomatics/Research Program Manager, Neptis Foundation
Sean Hertel, Urban Planning Consultant

13:00 Lunch

14:00 Panel 3 – Transit operators: serving and linking the region’s learning institutions
Royson James, Urban Affairs Columnist, Toronto Star (moderator)
Andy Byford, CEO, Toronto Transit Commission
Gary McNeil, President, GO Transit
Michael Collens, Student, York University

15:00 Panel 4 – Lessons: academics from the region
Leslie Woo, Vice President – Policy, Planning & Innovation, Metrolinx (moderator)
Pierre Filion, Professor and Associate Director, University of Waterloo, School of Planning – Graduate Studies
Laura Taylor, Assistant Professor and Planning Programs Coordinator, York University, Faculty of Environmental Studies
Zack Taylor, University of Toronto, Department of Geography, Program in Planning

Registration fees cover the cost of refreshments and technical services. All other resources are being generously provided as in-kind contributions towards the day. Your registration fee also ensures that a number of seats are available at a reduced rate for students and representatives from not-for-profit organizations.

