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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Instaflaneur: Queen Street West’s most valuable boring parking lot

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The former City TV parking lot along some of the most valuable bits of Queen Street West sidewalk has remained a parking lot. There’s some irony here, as the relocation of City here from their location at 99 Queen East was one of the catalysts that started changing this part of town from artist-heavy downmarket to what it is now. They transform the lot for the MMVA’s, quite dramatically, but most of the time it’s as boring as any other parking lot in the middle of a pedestrian-heavy area. With all the pop-up everything going on, and boxcar this and that, it’s a surprise they haven’t taken advantage of the 1000s of people who walk by daily, while hiding the lot behind a thin row of money-making ventures.


One comment

  1. I’m not sure whether I’d categorize it as a “parking lot” (even if it somewhat serves that purpose) so much as it is a “loading zone”–and as such, perfectly consistent w/the days of Ryerson Press…