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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered


  1. Re Jarvis ‘beautification’

    A beautiful idea at this time Mr. Rae would be to ‘focus’ on necessities like transit.

    Let’s actually build the Blue 22, the Relief line, the Yonge Extension, the York extension, the LRT’s
    et al with speed and efficiency THIS decade.

    Let’s also include some form of all system fare pass like the HK Octopus, or London’s Oyster.

    Given nothing has been built as yet and funds as always are limited it would be a beatiful thing to get City Hall moving in one direction that’s needed than venture off in yet another decorative adventure.

    BTW if you were to build the transit proposed above you may actually determine that the lane is not needed on Jarvis thereby avoiding an arguement.

    And Kyle, wouldn’t that be ‘beautiful’?

  2. Kyle Rae — same politician who had the gall to justify the City’s expenditures of $100s of thousands of dollars for bronze potholders in front of Rosedale shops — just a few months before the City started crying about its budget woes in 2007.