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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered



    Hmm.. let’s see, our public right to have a swimmable beach(however far we may be from this dream) or allow unleashed pets at our public beaches to possibly disturb or harm or urinate nearby pedestrians…. hmm.

    I find people in here take the idea of their pets being “holier than thou” a little too seriously, honestly. True, pets bring many joys to our lives(trust me, i have two cats) but when we’re deciding public laws concerning pets and humans, seems like public outcry usually leans towards our fury canines. Does this not seem wrong to anyone?? Is it not reasonable to ask to not have your dog swim near your kids or self?

  2. The city will go after dogs who’s owners pick up after them, but not the geese.
    The city should cull the geese herd and rake the grass each morning.
    What else should be done? Wolves could have a feast with all those geese, but it would cause other worse problems. Coyotes would be too small facing those geese. That leaves either dogs or the city to cull the geese.

  3. I don’t recall seeing many children(or selves) swimming this past weekend….perhaps the ice kept them away. While Parkdalian’s comments are well taken, it does demonstrate the knee jerk reaction of NIMBYism at its best. Just as children have to be given space to live and play, so do dogs and it is up to the adults to work out a fair allocation of turf for each. If this space is being taken away from dog owners, where is the newly designated space?

  4. C Wong: Thank you for understanding my point. Though i don’t think you understood all of it.

    First, these laws would not only apply to “winter” beach populace but probably year round(i’m not naive)

    Second, to assume i had a knee jerk reaction to NIMBYism goes to show you know nothing about me. I don’t even live in the beaches area(sunnyside actually) or even have kids. I’m am completely against NIMBYism actually so please don’t assume. And even if i had a dog, i’d understand of future laws restricting my dog from drinking water in the summer months in the vicinity of a large population.

    In the winter, dogs and owners can do what they want. Within reason.

    But I do whole heartedly agree that space(*dog parks, anyone?) needs to be allocated to dogs and owners before an barriers or restrictions are put upon them.

  5. Seems a bit odd that we’ve allowed dogs on the beach AT ALL in the past, so I have no problem banning them. However, we don’t seem to really enforce any of our other dog rules. For example, they roam freely around our school yards (often off leash) despite a city-wide ban.

  6. Looks like dog owners are becoming the new smokers. Let’s ban them everywhere.

    Let’s make more new bylaws like;

    Bylaw 456737, a law to ban all bar-b-quers in parks, their smoke is toxic.

    Bylaw 456738, all people are banned from public spaces. the exception is slaughter Sundays. Each resident is required to slay a goose and a seagull between the hours of 6 am and midnight. Failure to do so will result in a charge to their garbage bill of $100.

    Bylaw 456739, each resident should reduce their occupying space by 10% so that we can accommodate new residents. As above failure to do so will result in a $100 charge to your garbage bill.


    Use it respectfully or lose it.

  7. How IS the quality of water by the beach? I’ve heard people say they would never swim in it, but you see so many doing so over the summer. Is the water swimable, or is it better to go out of town if you want to swim in a lake.

    (I have been to Burlington Beach, and that place is awesome)

  8. what changed in the eastern beaches was the removal of a *seasonal* winter off-leash area ‘south of the snow fence’, that had been in-place and working well for many winters. this combined with zealous enforcement [very expensive tickets] and an overly-restrictive interpretation of blue flag regulations to ban dogs from all beaches all year round to spark the recent protests. [international blue flag regulations recognise the concept of seasonal access to beaches for dogs.]

    no-one is lobbying for summer off-leash beach access outside designated areas. in a city that can manage parking on different sides of the street in different parts of the month we should be able to tell summer from winter.

    we’d like to walk the dog on the beach in the winter, when frankly most of the other people out are also walking their dogs.