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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Spacing teams up with Bunch Family Salon


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When: Sunday, March 29 2009, 2-5 PM
Where: OCAD, 100 McCaul Street
Admission: $15 for grown-ups, $12 for kids. Free for kids under 2.

The Bunch Family Salon and Spacing invite your family to OCAD this weekend, where kids and parents will collaborate with Toronto’s top thinkers to do some radical thinking about what a city is — and then make one.

Families at the Salon will design playgrounds, create a wind driven art garden, take part in a think tank, build a massive cardboard city, go on guerrilla green missions, make public art and play an urban planning game.

The city theme stems from the idea that if we get kids thinking about what makes a city great, we will end up with great cities.

The team behind this world class family event includes: archiTEXT, Art Gallery of Ontario, Bunch, Design Exchange, Evergreen, Institute without Boundaries, Learning Through the Arts, Ontario College of Art & Design and Toronto Renewable Energy Co-operative.

To ensure that kids from all parts of Toronto get to share their vision of what a city should be, some free admissions to the Salon will be given to families in need through the non profit groups Art City and Kids Up Front.

If the event is not sold out, a limited number of tickets may be purchased at the door for $20 each. Cash only.

photo by Hans Carolyn



  1. Thanks for spreading the good word, Spacing! I just wanted to add that Unit A Architecture is also part of the awesome. And kids at the event will be liveblogging their experience for the Torontoist! So cool!

  2. For my two cents, I’m pretty sure that if kids had developed Toronto, there would be no Gardiner and the waterfront would have lots of water slides. Looking forward to taking my son to this mad event. Loved the Outer Space party back in Feb.

  3. For my two cents, it my kids had developed Toronto, the Gardiner still be there – it would have loop-de-loops AND water slides hanging from it.

  4. I love this thread! I asked my daughter what she wants her Toronto to look like. She said “blue”. Take from that what you will.

  5. My kids’ Toronto would look like a massive marble maze.

  6. For my two cents, if I had kids that water slide would start at the top of the CN Tower, and that tower would be made of chocolate.

  7. I love this thread! Okay.

    For my two cents, if my daughter (who is 10 months old) developed Toronto, the whole city would be edible (she likes her food).
    If my son (4.5) developed Toronto, it would be populated entirely by superheroes and he would be able to life all the building to show off his incredible strength (I hope this phase will pass).