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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Spacing Radio 003: Grey spaces of the city


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The next issue of Spacing, due out in late-April, will focus on Toronto’s “grey spaces” — those places that feel public but aren’t, and as such, come with strings attached that can limit one’s ability to explore, use, or develop them. We examine these areas further in the third episode of Spacing Radio.

First, Spacing senior editor Shawn Micallef takes host David Michael Lamb to Yonge-Dundas Square for an examination of the rules of engagement for Toronto’s greyest of spaces.

Then, DML and Wavelength co-founder Jonny Dovercourt discuss the cultural importance of independent book and record shops as hubs and rallying points for the city’s arts communities.

And reporter Megan Hall takes us through the struggles of an architect who is trying to build a house in a laneway in Parkdale, but is running into all kinds of roadblocks from the City’s Works department.

All this, plus music by Gentleman Reg — who’s new album, Jet Black, was just released on Arts+Crafts.

photo by Sam Javanrouh



  1. Oh good. I was confused about the title.

    I was concerned the issue’s theme was on grey spaces(*like the photo above), literally.

    Good, good. I’ll enjoy my copy of spacing magazine anyway. Thanks guys.

  2. Speaking of grey Dundas Square — wouldn’t it be nice if they planted pine or spruce trees on the roof of the awning that extends across the north side of Dundas Square?

    It wouldn’t make the advertisers across the street all that happy, but would certainly add a bit of green..

  3. I question the bit about the laneway in Parkdale. This is very specific case. There will be lots where it is simply uneconomic and disruptive for the city to service. I didn’t hear anything compelling that suggested the city hadn’t made the right call.

  4. I just may have a crush on Shawn Micallef.

  5. Dovercourt writes an article about Toronto’s indie book and record stores as creative centres and completely overlooks This Ain’t the Rosedale Library?

    Damn…the title of his piece is ‘This Ain’t a Library’. Can Jonny read?