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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Signs of Life

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Signs of Life is a book by Dave Askwith and Alex Normanton that chronicles the subtle art of changing official signage into amusing social commentary. The book is described like so:

As Dave Askwith’s daily grind caused him to sacrifice several hours to the railways between London and Brighton, he has spent more time than he cares to remember reading and rereading the many officious signs and labels that are festooned around our public spaces. For his own entertainment (and sanity) he began adding a few personal variation giving fellow commuters the option of the summoning the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse seemed like a good way of brightening things up- but what began as a bit of fun turned into an obsession….From shops to roadsides and offices to hotels, Dave Askwith’s witty and cutting ‘art’ is his futile but highly amusing gesture of dissatisfaction with the most woeful public transport system in the world and the inane protocols and rules of modern life.”
