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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered


  1. I think it’s unfortunate that the Star reporter only spoke with a transient street person when assessing the effect of the Moss Park garbage pile. Not everyone on the east side is homeless.

  2. something weird is going on at the Sun.

  3. re: the Sun article on parking:

    One of the major arguments is that excessive parking is a burden (and a government regulation) that increases the cost for developers. Quote from the PDF listed in the Sun article (downloadable here): “Put simply, developers, businesses and consumers are far better placed than municipal transport planners to evaluate the value of providing and/or using parking.”

    What makes the article interesting is that this is one of those places where “left-wing” / “progressive” interests intersect with “right wing” / “business” interests. The left wants reduced parking to encourage a shift to alternate modes of travel, for urban design reasons, for social equity (mobility) reasons, etc. The right wants to reduce government intervention and regulation in private enterprise (I know best how much parking I need to provide — let me build what I want to and don’t tell me I need to build another level of underground parking because I’m short 12 spaces according to the by-law).

  4. It is normal practice of spacing on Monday to review weekend headlines that they do not post over the weekend. Why is it that Spacing has not posted the incredibly negative press over the weekend about the Leadership of the Mayor. The Star of all organs came out with a thorough rebuttal of irrational arguments of Miller allied Councillors trying to justify why Council should not freeze their own wages in a time of economic crisis. I have made clear in past posts that Spacing is guilty of self censorship to protect their ideological bias. You should be looking at yourself in the mirror. Progressive is not the suppression of free expression.

  5. Matthew sometimes I wonder. Spacing made a point to link to a story of Fox News SUV striking a cyclist in the US, while omitted a link to a story of a cyclist hitting a SUV in Vaughan.

    While I don’t subscribe to a grand conspiracy theory. Otherwise I wouldn’t keep reading and participating here. Though, I do think that there is some bias, no more or less than anywhere else.

  6. We have a staff of two, plus two interns in an office the size of most livingrooms. Most of the time we’re trying to keep our head above the water producing the magazine and keeping it funded, not debating which headlines to include or not into our posts based on some kind political bias. The fact is sometimes we overlook things.

  7. Matt,

    I’m not looking for conspiracies but observing fact and in past Spacing has reviewed weekend articles whether it is a policy or not. More important is that Spacing should. In this case it is significant news that the Star has decided to be strongly critical of Miller and gang about Councillors’ wage free issue, calling it hypocritical. The question is what is Spacing’s position on this important shift in press support of Miller and your position on the hypocrisy issue?