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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Spacing Radio 009: City election 2010


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The 2010 city election — only one year away — will have a tremendous impact on the future of Toronto. Mayor David Miller recently announced he won’t face the electorate again, so who will replace him? Spacing Radio host David Michael Lamb sat down with Glen Murray, one of the outsiders who many believe is already assembling a campaign team. DML also hosts a roundtable with Ed Keenan of Eye Weekly, Rob Granatstein of the Toronto Sun (editorial page editor) and Spacing publisher Matthew Blackett to discuss potential mayoral candidates from the left, centre and right of the political spectrum. The panel also discusses which issues will be on the top of voters minds. Spacing Radio producer Mieke Anderson profiles Dave Meslin and his Better Ballots initiative which aims to improve the process of how we elect Toronto’s government. This episode’s musical guest is Ohbijou, a band that can’t help but sing about Toronto.



  1. How come we have not been updating the podcast rss feed? 🙂 I like to listen on my mp3 player.

  2. I would like to ask David Michael Lamb to elaborate what he means when he says that Toronto has a funding problem.

    Glen Murray sounded very pragmatic. If he is going to carry the banner for the left and John Tory for the right, this might be an election where we can’t loose.

  3. Glen: there is nothing to explain. The province has downloaded too many services onto te city since 1998 and has done nothing to help fund. The Feds do not provide any sustained finances for transit (nor does the province). Lastman has this problem and so did Miller. It’s not a left-right politicAl problem, it’s a systematic snafu that continues to be perpetuated by senior levels of government. Give Toronto back some of the excess tax dollars that go to fund stupid sprawl infrastructure

  4. Lisa,

    Where is the cost of these expenses recovered? Toronto residents cannot continually complain about having the highest expenses while at the same time having the lowest taxes (residential).

    Toronto has been ‘downloaded’ upon. It is just that the expense of it has not been borne by residential property owners.