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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered



  1. “It will push forward upgrades to the transit network, including the long-promised rail link to Pearson airport, and new affordable housing. It would also have a ripple effect on the economy, from hotel renovations to a boost in tourism.”

    The Pan Am games will be a miracle ! Why do people still fall for this kind of PR ? This is why Metrolinx is pushing dirty diesel….to land the Pan Am games. Polluting is will be the legacy in west end Toronto.

  2. How can one be excited about this? It’s a smaller sporting event coming to a city which wanted the Olympics, and it’s not even concentrated in Toronto but spread out across the region. That’s just lame.

  3. The appearance of the Hotel hiring smells to high heaven. How can Pantalone posibly allow his good friend and CNE Board Member getting the job and not realize what it looks like to the public. Old Joe is simply out of touch and demonstrates extremely bad judgement. Not material for Mayor, that’s for sure.

  4. I agree Dave! Now the Mayor wants an investigation in why councillor Minnan-Wong wants an investigation.

    And people say there are no efficiencies to be found at City Hall.

  5. Re… The Pantalone, Ex-Hotel situation… whether or not anything is actually wrong, as things now stand, it sure as hell LOOKS like something is not quite right. And as is his typical, arrogant habit, the Mayor is once again brushing off any concern that is raised against any member of his team. This from a man who rode in to office on a broom. No wonder that most members of the public have no faith in the so-called accountability measures (integrity commish, etc.) that have been introduced on his watch. It’s behaviour like this that has damaged the Miller brand to the point where he no longer stood a chance of being elected as mayor. Yeah, Lastman was a joke… but this mayor hasn’t been much better.