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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Backstreets of Toronto Tours

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The great thing about the internet-o-sphere is it allows for stuff like the “Backstreets of Toronto Tours” that Jamie posts over on JB’s Warehouse and Curio Emporium. Yesterday he posted a tour of Boswell Avenue, a funny little street that runs off of Avenue Road. I’ve often used it as quiet shortcut, as it’s dead-ended on Avenue to prevent cars from cutting through. It reminds me of the dead-ended streets in Grosse Pointe, Michigan, along the border of Detroit. Those were to keep Detroit out — the Toronto ones are much more altruistic. From his post:

As for why Boswell was blocked off, the THB report notes this happened after “a car accident and a personal injury which raised community concern about safety on the street with the rise in traffic on Avenue Road.” No date or extent of the injuries was given. Use your imagination for the best/unhappiest scenario.

If you look on the sidebar, there are nice tours of other streets, like Croft and Fitzroy Terrace. Further evidence that Toronto is worth exploring.


One comment

  1. My father and I used to drive along Alter Rd at stare at the fence dividing the dead-end Grosse Pointe streets and the old-couch lined Detroit side. Leaves one utterly speechless.