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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Rooftop gardens lecture


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Wednesday, May 17th 7:15 pm
Innis Town Hall, 2 Sussex Ave
(1 block south of Bloor/St. George), University of Toronto

The Rooftop Gardening Project is an innovative partnership between Alternatives, an international cooperation network, and Santropol Roulant, a community organisation in Montreal. Together we are making widespread rooftop gardening a reality in Montreal and around the world. Our novel soil-less gardens empower urban residents to produce their own food, green their neighbourhoods and build healthy communities.

Toronto has eagerly invited Jane Rabinowicz, directrice of Santropol Roulant to offer and share her stories and suggestions. This night will also feature an expert panel including Karine Jaouich from FoodShare and recipient of Toronto’s Green Award, Beth Anne Currie, Toronto Food Policy Council member, rooftop garden/green roof/biowall coordinator for UrbanSpace Property Group, and Lara Mrosovsky, balcony garden project coordinator for Growing Together.
