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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

69 TTC stations photo project

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Check out this neat project called 69 TTC Stations over on Flickr between Torontoist and Toronto photoblogger David Topping. He’s going to a different subway station each day and posting a photo of it. Even better, the TTC is covering part of Topping’s Metropass cost.

EDIT > Torontoist is covering the cost of the Metropass, not the TTC.



  1. Actually Matt, Torontoist is covering part of his Metropass 🙁 Not the TTC. They wouldn’t be that nice. In fact we’re wondering when our cease and desist letter will be coming from the TTC?

  2. Thanks for the post! I originally wanted to do it as a ‘only for me’ type of thing but then I approached [TOist Editor] Ron about it and he seemed super-eager, like he always is. So far it’s actually been pretty challenging to get anything decent out of the stations, though I’m hoping I’ll get better as I go along.

    Thanks again.