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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Montreal Monday: fire bombs, transit hubs and the history of a train station

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Each Monday, we bring you some of the popular posts from our sister blog, Spacing Montreal. We’ll keep an eye open for topics and discussions that are pertinent to current public space issues in Toronto.

5 fire bombings in a month have investigators stumped and Montrealers worried. The Molotov cocktails, set off in various bars and cafes across the city, are speculated to be the work of the city’s gangs but so far police have been unable to link any individual or groups to the attacks.

• Spacing Montreal weights the pros and cons of a $520 million proposal by the Agence métropolitaine de transport ( AMT ) to build a new transit hub that would connect the city’s historic Windsor Station to a new transit center directly to the south.

• On the subject of the Windsor station, à‰mile Thomas provides an overview of the station’s history with the goal of discovering how the station became “detached” from Montreal in the first place and “where the city went wrong”.

photo from Spacing Montreal, on flickr
