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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

SPACING: come to our release party December 9


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WHAT: release party for winter 2009-2010 issue of Spacing
WHEN: Wednesday, December 9, 2009
WHERE: Toronto Reference Library, The Appel Salon, 789 Yonge Street
HOW MUCH: $10 (includes copy of mag), $5 for subscribers
ATTENDING?: RSVP to our Facebook event

Make your way to the Toronto Reference Library (7pm-midnight) on Wed. Dec. 9th, to take part in Spacing’s 16th issue release party and holiday party. We’ll have some games and activities, plus the music to dance to thanks to our resident DJs Track Meet.

Come check out the Reference Library’s new event space The Appel Salon. It’s up on the second floor, overlooking the halfway point of Church Street’s turn toward Bloor. This fall, it played host this fall to discussions and readings, and next week welcomes Jeff Rubin, author of Why Your World Is About to Get a Whole Lot Smaller. Visit for the TRL web site for details.

The upcoming issue focuses on Toronto’s urban wild life: chasing the albino squirrels, the fall of the woolly mammoth, dealing with rascally raccoons…. You’ll be able to pick up an issue on newsstands starting Dec. 9th, but its better to come to our party and buy the issue directly from us.
