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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Friday’s headlines

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  1. Just wanted to highlight Hume’s article. Read it! 7 Austin Terrace was designed by John M. Lyle, who also did Union Station and some interesting banks across Canada. 7 Austin Terrace isn’t just another old building – Lyle was one of a few who were trying to develop a distinctive Canadian architecture. You can read more about Lyle and his buildings here:

  2. That condo ramp article is from the Sun, not the Star.

  3. How about the police solve some of the outstanding murders in this city, then we’ll talk. I’m sure their budget could be cut 20% or more without any noticeable difference to the public.

  4. TTC chairman faulty math,

    Three days after Giambrone is reported to be trying to ‘line up’ union support for his election bid he introduces out of the blue to the TTC Commission a proposal to negotiate a Project Labour Agreement with the Building Trades for all $8 Billion in subway and Transit City. He proposes to give the Trades financial benefits for a no strike clause. No coincidence here eh?
    The duplicity and the stench are too thick to ignore. Giambrone states that the , “agreement would be good for the construction unions since it would provide stable funding for its’ members.”
    First of all its’ not to the public’s benefit to be “good to the unions” though it is to Giambrone’s.
    Second of all he forgets to mention what I have commented upon before, the TTC already tenders their projects with Building Trade Union labour only restrictions. They are already guaranteed all the jobs and the “stable funding” at a huge financial cost to the TTC and the City. So what is Giambrone talking about. Haven’t we given enough!!
    Third he is basically recommending the TTC do exactly what Miller and the left refused to do during City workers strike i.e. pay extra in arbitration award if you order worker back to work and take away the right to strike.
    Everyone should do a bit of research on the most famous PLA in recent times, the Big Dig in Boston. All the same hollow promises were made as are quoted in this article but the project doubled in time, doubled in price and leaks like a sieve due to poor workmanship.
    Think about it.