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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Thursday’s headlines

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  1. Re: Yonge St.

    “Drivers bound for Yonge now have less than 200 metres to cross over two lanes and merge into fast traffic – or face police waiting to pounce.

    Jacqueline White, local manager of traffic operations, said the changes were intended to make the area more pedestrian-friendly, particularly for the huge population now living in new condo towers between Bay and Yonge Sts.”

    It is 200m to Bay St, 400m to Yonge St according to Google Maps. I’m going to continue writing for Bay St though.

    While I HATE people who make left turns from lanes they aren’t supposed to just to get ahead, this looks like it could be a real safety concern for drivers. During peak times, a driver may not only have to make stressful lane changes but also bud in as well (in doing so, hold up traffic in the center lane and piss people off who have been waiting patiently as well).

    The signage from the highway says to use this ramp to get for Bay St. Would it have been THAT hard to put in a stoplight where the ramp intersects with Lake Shore, or change the signage to instruct drivers to get off earlier or make three rights to get to Bay St? If/when this does cause an accident, here’s hoping the driver(s) sue the city for creating such a dangerous situation!