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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

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  1. Today’s Fixer column in the Star (see “Idle pass machines…”) recalls an incident from 2 years ago that Councillor Giambrone’s many fans on this site would no doubt like everybody to forget. When confronted with complaints forwarded by Fixer readers regarding the TTC, the Councillor “STRUGGLED TO CONCEAL HIS DISDAIN… insisting that we and the riders were wrong; service is improving, he claimed, adding he had audits (paid for by the TTC) to prove it.” (Quotes are columnist’s words.) So, in other words, he was insisting that he had ‘research’ proving the public was wrong. (Probably done by the same firm that did Rob Ford’s polling.) That is the very definition of arrogance, incompetence and putting your head in the sand. Given this attitude in the TTC Chair, it’s no wonder that the St. Clair ROW project turned out to be the disaster it did. (Absolutely mindboggling how this character keeps getting described as a ‘brainiac’.)