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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Wednesday’s headlines

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James: Adam Giambrone should drop out of race [ Toronto Star ]
Audio: Giambrone speaks to The Star [ Toronto Star ]
• Emotional Adam Giambrone admits to multiple affairs [ Toronto Star ]
• Despite scandal, it’s ‘full steam ahead’ for Giambrone campaign [ Toronto Star ]
Giambrone still wants mayor’s job [ Toronto Sun ]
Giambrone plans to remain in mayoral race [ Globe & Mail ]
Giambrone admits to muliple ‘intimate’ relationships [ Globe & Mail ]
Who’s up and who’s down in mayoral race [ National Post ]
• Why the councillor’s sex scandal matters … [ National Post ]
… and why it doesn’t [ National Post ]

TTC union head wants a more constructive dialogue [ Globe & Mail ]
TTC union head lashes out at riders, management [ Globe & Mail ]
Ashley Madison may take another go at TTC [ Toronto Sun ]
‘Stop harassing’ TTC workers [ Toronto Sun ]
• TTC union chief mocks media focus [ National Post ]
• TTC’s culture of complacency [ Toronto Star ]
Stop the TTC blame game, says union boss [ Toronto Star ]
Analysis: Furor could impair future of Toronto transit, experts fear [ Toronto Star ]
TTC union and management play blame game [ Toronto Star ]

• Toronto needs a budget that speaks to its citizens [ Toronto Star ]
City’s budget `chasm‘ [ Toronto Star ]
City’s red ink spreading [ Toronto Star ]
City of Toronto getting deeper in financial hole [ Toronto Star ]
Time for Toronto to privatize assets? [ Toronto Star ]

Teachers don’t want $345,000 ACC event [ Toronto Star ]
St. Joseph’s to shutter four clinics [ Toronto Star ]
Vaughan mayor cited for refusing to answer resident’s questions [ Toronto Star ]


  1. 10 links to newspaper articles on a news story that shouldn’t even be news. Gotta love the Canadian print media.

  2. In no country would this not be news. In the US it would be all-Drudge, all the time. In the UK, the Tabloids would already have compromising photos. Only in Canada do people think a Mayoral candidate having sex with a teenager to be ‘not news’.

    Please don’t blame the press. There is a more obvious culprit.

  3. Leasing is the way to go for much of the city asset base, as described in “Time for Toronto to privatize assets?” It means that the city has an opportunity to revisit land use over the decades rather than being stuck with whatever the guy it was sold to did with it. That doesn’t have to mean corporations but it could also mean community/cooperative organisations, who might use the assets more innovatively than an organisation like the risk averse Parks and Rec.

    Obviously 99 year leases aren’t always going to be the right thing, but imagine instead of the tumbleweed blowing through the TTC surface terminal at Yonge/Eglinton it had been leased to someone for say 10 years for a temporary use like a condo showroom or a parking lot or a farmers market while the TTC figured out what to do with it.

    I would rather the city use its capital to expand city infrastructure than some weird ideological stance that once the city owns and controls something it can never give it up no matter how the public realm has changed in the interim.

  4. I beg to differ, Josh. For Giambrone to drop his mayoral bid, it’s big.

  5. I hate to disagree with my namesake…however…

    That Adam Giambrone is a dog isn’t relevant. That he’s done such a horrible job managing his proclivities is absolutely relevant.

    A person doesn’t have to be pure and clean to hold political office and it’s dishonest to approach these scandals with self-righteous moralizing as it suggests that the rest of us aren’t just as messed up.

    However, if you’re going to enter what promises to be a long and contentious electoral race, you’d better have your house in order. And that order includes ensuring that you don’t have any jilted lovers looking for their 15 minutes.

    I wasn’t going to vote for Giambrone before, I don’t think he’s proven himself capable of leading anything yet. But I’m really not going to vote for him now that I know he’s not only inexperienced but he’s also doesn’t possess much political savvy.

    One can be flawed if they know the game and play it well. But you can’t be both flawed and clueless. I can’t get behind that.

  6. Politician has multiple affairs… Well, when to get elected you need to be an entitled driven A type, good at massaging corporate donations and lying to the public, you didn’t anticipate sociopaths?

  7. I would be one thing for Toronto to go to the province, cap in hand, if residents paid their fair share. It is entirely another when they pay far less than average and expect the province to continue to succumb to this blackmail. If the other GTA municipal leaders got their act together, I’m sure the province would resist helping.

    Toronto does not have a budget crisis. It has a Political Crisis.

  8. We *are* living in interesting times, aren’t we?

  9. In other news, I’ve decided to lead by example and be friendlier to TTC drivers so that those union blowhards won’t have a leg to stand on. I think I’ll start a facebook group called ‘Be Kind To TTC Drivers (Even Though Some Don’t Deserve It)’