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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

  • Waiting for 501

    An unauthorized sequel to Waiting for Godot. With apologies to Samuel Beckett. – – – – – – – – –...

  • One Book: Campbell House

    He walked west along Queen Street, away from the centre of town. On the northwest corner of University and Queen sat a little building called Campbell...

  • I can feel it coming in the subway tonight …

    [youtube][/youtube] To continue with our theme of public space performances, here for your Sunday afternoon...

  • Sustainable transportation plans galore

    London, England has just unveiled a jaw-dropping new plan to greatly increase the amount of walking and cycling in the city. London plans to spend the...

  • Panel Discussion: Manufacturing Neighbourhoods

    The second event in the Building Sustainability Lecture Series organized by Architecture for Humanity is coming up. The first lecture was completely full...

  • One Book: Natural Light

    They did not have the benefit of Mr. Ennis’s skylight to effect the passage of light into the room, but the front south-facing window was almost as...

  • Snow jobs

    This image, captured by Spacing’s web developer Michael Pereira after one of our recent snowstorms, pretty much says all there is to say about the...

  • Walk21 Toronto Community Conference

    In October last year, Toronto hosted the major international conference about walking, Walk21. Experts from around the world, including Toronto, spoke on...

  • Clearing the snow for pedestrians

    After the December 16 snowstorm, there was a lot of media coverage and comment about how poorly snow was cleared for pedestrians compared to drivers...

  • Art Attack – Operation Snow Fort – tonight

    The Toronto Public Space Committee is taking advantage of today’s storm to invite everyone to build an impromptu snow fort: The Toronto Public Space...

  • Street food should be simple to prepare

    It’s not often I find myself in complete agreement with Denzil Minnan-Wong, but the way city council has managed to unnecessarily complicate what...

  • Fear and hope for Queen West

    The approval last week by the City’s committee of adjustment of a mixed-use retail and condo development, including a big-box home improvement...