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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

  • Crosswalk as pedestrian memorial

    We’ve just had our attention drawn to an ingenious project in Portugal to raise awareness of pedestrian safety. The zebra stripes of a pedestrian...

  • Billboard tax debate

    Public space activist Dave Meslin wrote an interesting article in NOW magazine this week about the issue of taxing advertising billboards. The article was...

  • A couple of pedestrian ideas

    There were a lot of good ideas floating around at the “Visions for a Walkable Toronto” workshop hosted by the City of Toronto and Spacing...

  • Walk to Work Day

    Today, April 26, 2007, has been declared the first “Walk to Work” day, at least in London, England. British pedestrian organization Living...

  • Visions for a Walkable Toronto — Workshop

    The City of Toronto, in partnership with Spacing magazine, is holding a public workshop on “Visions for a Walkable Toronto” on Wednesday...

  • London officials paint over famous Banksy mural

    Transit workers in London, England, have painted over a famous mural by the artist Banksy. The estimated value of the mural was over half a million...

  • How to cross railway tracks

    Pedestrian activist Roger Brook wrote an interesting article in NOW magazine a couple of weeks ago about pedestrian crossings over railway tracks...

  • Earth Day street festival on John St.

    Streets Are for People is organizing an eco-fair to celebrate Earth Day on Sunday April 22. John Street will be closed to traffic (or, if you will, opened...

  • “Change is in the Air” public consultation

    In the wake of the publication of Toronto’s Clean Air Plan, the city is holding a public consultation on the plan and on clean air issues...

  • Jane’s Walk

    To honour Jane Jacobs, who died a year ago, Mayor David Miller announced in November 2006 that May 4 would officially be “Jane Jacobs Day” in...

  • Sustainable Transportation II: Bremen, Germany

    Last week, I posted some of the interesting material I heard about Kingston, Ontario, at Moving the Economy‘s workshop on sustainable...

  • The “Water Challenge” — Taste the Difference!

    In conjunction with Spacing‘s next issue, whose theme will be “water,” Spacing contributor Sean Lerner will be conducting a public blind...