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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

  • Kingston’s plan for sustainable transportation

    On March 22, I attended a great workshop on sustainable transportation put together by local organization Moving the Economy. I am going to post some of...

  • Virtual City Tours

    I just found an interesting site called “Virtual City,” where you can pick a location or a route in Toronto and it will show you a photo of...

  • Street food is in the air

    I’ve often heard people wonder why it is that the only food you can buy from a street vendor in Toronto is a sausage, when the city is full of...

  • ROM makes a deal

    Back in January I posted about the Royal Ontario Museum‘s attempt to get out of paying the usual fee to the city for the encroachment on public...

  • The dull blight of sameness

    I went to see the street furniture models today at city hall, and and they brought to mind a phrase Jane Jacobs uses, “The Great Blight of...

  • Pedestrian Sundays expand

    The successful Kensington Market Pedestrian Sundays are expanding to other neighbourhoods this year. Both Baldwin Street Village and Mirvish Village (on...

  • Pedestrian signals next target of outdoor advertising?

    Bike Toronto has just broken the news of an April 1 initiative at city hall to raise revenue by selling advertising space in the unused part of pedestrian...

  • The forgotten other half of Toronto’s Bike Plan

    One of the key strategies for a greener and cleaner Toronto proposed in the City’s new clean air plan, Change is in the Air, is to complete the...

  • City operating budget released – deputations on Thursday

    The City of Toronto released its proposed 2007 operating budget today. Unlike the capital budget, where the city can borrow money, the operating budget...

  • Brain-enriching upcoming events

    Here are a couple of interesting events coming up later this month: On Thursday March 22nd, 2007 Moving the Economy, with the support of Transport Canada...

  • Madison, Wisconsin named most walkable US city

    Madison, Wisconsin was named the most walkable city in the US in a recent ranking of the walkability of the largest 100 US cities, with Austin, Texas and...

  • U of T’s Bikechain referendum

    Attention University of Toronto students: The Bikechain program, the great University of Toronto program that provides free bike repair services and...