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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

  • Civic improvements

    CBC’s Metro Morning show this morning features an interview with Toronto’s chief planner, Ted Tyndorf, (RealPlayer streaming audio, 4:47...

  • ROM seeks free ride

    When buildings intrude beyond their private property into public space, they have to pay a small rental fee to the City for that space. The Royal Ontario...

  • Where would you meet in Toronto?

    I’m reading a very interesting book called The Wisdom of Crowds, by James Surowiecki. The author describes a fascinating experiment by a social...

  • Perverse Psychogeography?

    “Psychogeography” seems to be generally considered a relatively benign observational activity — a random drifting through the city to...

  • Chainlink Beautiful?

    The new “Bennet Gates” at the south end of Philosopher’s Walk on the University of Toronto campus recently won a “Clean and...

  • News of the World

    Last week, Spacing‘s Dale Duncan wrote an article in Eye Magazine about five great public space ideas from other cities. She cited an initiative in...

  • Lecture on “The New Landscape”

    Christopher Hume profiles local landscape architect Janet Rosenberg in the Star today. She says interesting things about the difficulty of creating...

  • Making Toronto’s streets

    Streets are at the heart of a city. They take up a quarter of all land in the city. They should be the places where people gather and experience urban...

  • Crossing anywhere on St. George

    The Star‘s “Fixer” had an interesting story recently about curb cuts along St. George St. in the University of Toronto campus. During...

  • Do lazy people move to the suburbs?

    Researchers have established in recent years that there is a correlation between obesity and sprawl — people in low-density suburbs, who have to...

  • Active Transportation Press Conference

    A week ago, the Toronto Coalition for Active Transportation (TCAT) (note – I’m one of the organizers) held a press conference to highlight the...

  • The route to cycling can be quick

    There was a lot of fascinating information at the “Traffic Tales” movie night put on by the Toronto Public Space Committee last night, but the...