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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

  • Reverse Graffiti

    Reverse graffiti is a practice where the artist creates a design by cleaning grime selectively off a wall, so that the cleaned sections stand out. The...

  • Gentrify this

    There’s been a lot of discussion in recent years in Toronto about the gentrification of formerly “ethnic” and low-income neighbourhoods...

  • Traffic Tales movie night

    The Streets to Screens movie series will feature two movies about sustainable transportation on Thursday, October 26, at the Bloor Cinema at 7pm. The...

  • Star’s new transportation column

    The Toronto Star has a new transportation columnist, David Bruser, and in today’s column he asks readers to tell him about their problems with...

  • Project for Public Spaces presentation

    On Wednesday, October 25, 2006, Fred Kent, President of Project for Public Spaces, will be speaking in the Council Chamber of City Hall between 1:00 PM...

  • Walking Man vs. Raised Right Hand

    We don’t usually signal articles that aren’t available online, but I feel the need to make an exception for the delighful and informative...

  • Walking while black?

    [Edit – I received comments that my original version of this report included too much speculation. I have removed most of the speculation. Instead...

  • U of T Student? Vote Bikechain!

    A quick public service message: The University of Toronto’s excellent BikeChain free bike-repair program needs to be supported in a student...

  • Beach Party Blues

    NOW magazine had an interesting article this week about the police closing down a regular all-day all-ages “Promise party” that has been held...

  • Pedestrian Science

    The Brits have created a machine for walkers — a big suspended platform that can simulate a range of pedestrian environments and situations in order...

  • Wente takes the TTC

    A year ago, Globe columnist Margaret Wente wrote a column glorifying her SUV and dismissing public transit as something you only take when you have to...

  • Streets are for people?

    The Sunday Toronto Star has a great article about how the automobile muscled its way into becoming the sole master of the roadway at the beginning of the...