By Spacing
SPACING: What do you want City Hall to accomplish?
On November 13, 2006, Toronto will elect a new city council. Over the next four years, the city will face numerous challenges and opportunities and we...
Turning turnstiles into energy
From our soon-to-be transit correspondent Craig Cal – – – – – – – – – This is the type of...
Front yard art
Spacing’s very own Leah Sandals was asked to curate Toronto’s front yard art scene by the Toronto Star — the piece ended up being a...
Name calling on the TTC
Craig Cal, Spacing’s new transit beat writer starting in the fall, sent along this TTC anecdote. – – – – – –...
Lazy days of summer at Spacing
Almost everyone who contributes to the Spacing Wire is on, or is going on, vacation over the next month. The destinations include Victoria BC, Ontario...
Spacing Photos posting again
After taking 9 days off to celebrate Spacing Photos’ first birthday, the photoblog is back up and running.
A post on the Post
Some days the editors at Spacing have to think about things other than urban planning, graffiti or cycling infrastructure. Sometimes it’s our...
The Wealth of Cities
HiMY SYeD is sending reports about the World Urban Forum to the Spacing Wire. Here is his third report. A thousand people are squished in and outside of...
Spacing Wire First Anniversary
The Spacing Wire celebrates its first anniversary today. It has been exciting to go from a twice a year publication to a daily news and commentary feed...
Sustainable City or Sustainable Illusion?
HiMY SYeD is sending daily reports from the World Urban Forum to the Spacing Wire. Here is his second report. 7:43 am and it is standing room only at...
World Urban Forum – Day One
HiMY SYeD is sending daily reports from the World Urban Forum to the Spacing Wire. Here is his first report. World Urban Forum – Day One ( Monday...
SPACING: Beware the Ides of Merch?
One of Spacing’s on-going beefs with the TTC is how poor of a job it does of marketing itself. Once and a while they will do something that we may...