By John Lorinc
LORINC: Handcuffs or straightjackets on the waterfront?
If Unbuilt Toronto chronicler Mark Osbaldeston gets around to penning a third installment of our city’s missed opportunities, Michael van Valkenburgh’s...
LORINC: The Crimes and Misdemeanours of an Unbuilt Toronto
Scanning the fascinating images in Mark Osbaldeston’s second compilation about Toronto’s “alternate history,” — Unbuilt Toronto 2 — I found myself...
LORINC: Ford’s mistake of historic proportions
Mayor Rob Ford’s plan to bury the 19-km Eglinton Crosstown LRT from end to end, instead of just through the crowded core of the city, will be rightly...
LORINC: One year with Rob Ford (and a little more math)
Spooked by a middle-aged woman who looked like she just flounced off the set of an amateur Wagner production, Mayor Rob Ford seems to have neglected the...
LORINC: How to fund a Toronto transformation
I didn’t agree with every position Jack Layton espoused, but I have never forgotten one of his signature political lessons – an approach he once described...
LORINC: A math lesson for Rob Ford
“One key ingredient in any solution to Toronto’s financial challenges will be a new relationship with our employees. Together with our Agencies...
LORINC: Where Ford’s breadcrumb trail ends
There were two highly revealing figures in the supplementary campaign disclosures filed by Mayor Rob Ford last week, as well as a lot of figures that...
LORINC: Urban agenda at stake in provincial election
As we head into this week’s provincial vote, has anyone noticed a ballot question floating around Ontario’s body politic? Oh, I pretty much know what the...
LORINC: The case for compromise on the waterfront
Amidst the torrent of objections to Doug Ford’s backroom Port Lands plan, a central theme stands out: that Waterfront Toronto deserves enormous praise for...
Ford takes the money and runs
Here’s a question for budget chair Mike Del Grande: How does the Ford administration spell renege? Answer: P-O-R-T-L-A-N-D-S. During last Tuesday’s...
LORINC: Going around and around on new waterfront plans
With Rob Ford’s executive committee set to view brother Doug’s plan to transform the Port Lands into an up-market playground, I’d like to add a pair of...
Toronto Life screws Jane Jacobs?
According to the September issue of Toronto Life, the city is – or ought to be – in the throes of an “exodus to the burbs” where, as the headline informs...