By Keith Stewart
Imagining the Green City
What would our city look like in a world that had gone beyond fossil fuels? It’s an important question, for if we can’t paint a picture of the...
ELECTION 2008: Global warming isn’t trying to kill us, and that’s a shame
Clever graffitti really should inform more of the debate in our federal election. There I was, tearing my hair out trying to understand how anyone can...
Living The Good Life
I’m interested in the thoughts of Spacing readers on The Good Life campaign that WWF-Canada (aka my employer) launched yesterday. Its goal is try...
So this is what bike-friendly looks like
There’s a little something for both the cycling aesthete and her/his inner planning nerd over at The Sightline Institute’s blog. As someone...
Toronto’s Climate Plan
On Friday, Toronto released Change is in the Air, its proposed framework for action on climate change and clean air, and it is a thing of beauty (albeit...
Green-collar jobs for Toronto
I saw a TTC streetcar wrapped in a Diesel Jeans ‘Global Warming Ready’ ad today. My first thought was ‘Can the end be far away?’...
Pricing pollution to prevent paving paradise?
What do carbon markets have to do with explosive population growth in Milton? Maybe a lot. Yesterday, CIBC’s top economist Jeff Rubin came out with...
Screening of anti-sprawl film Radiant City
Sprawl is eating the planet. Across the continent the landscape is being leveled – blasted clean of distinctive features and overlaid with a...
Broke and have electric heat?
It has always bugged me that energy conservation programs are almost exclusively targeted at the relatively well-to-do, who need the help the least. Well...
Is City Hall’s climate change buzz for real?
Spacing is happy to have Keith Stewart join the Spacing Wire team. Keith spent many years keeping tabs on City Hall as a key member of the Toronto...