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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

  • Dept. of Funny Signs: Holy Family Cat

    The “H” in Catholic has fallen off the wall of the Holy Family Catholic School in Parkdale. It’s all the more funny with this warning...

  • Portraits from the People Issue release party

    Last night, Spacing celebrated the release of our People Issue, the 12th installment of the magazine. We had a blast inĀ  the rec-room-styled Canadian...

  • Dept. of Funny Signs: “dinning” room available

    On Weston Road, in the Mt. Dennis neighbourhood. A “dinning room” would be loud and unpleasant, I suspect.

  • The effects of CNE parking in Parkdale

    From the start of August, the southern part of Parkdale is transformed by two major events: Caribana and the CNE. A huge influx of people descend on the...

  • Nowtopia

    On Thursday at Cinecycle (129 Spadina Ave), I am part of the This Is Not A Reading Series event welcoming Chris Carlsson to Toronto (check out the...

  • Pedestrian scramble time-lapse

    Spacing teamed up with the highly-regarded photoblogger Sam Javanrouh to create a fun time-lapse of the new Yonge-Dundas pedestrian scramble (see below)...

  • Ready, set, scramble!

    The scramble intersection at Yonge and Dundas was activated this morning. Pedestrians were slightly confused early on, but by the time the TV cameras and...

  • Advertising in bike lanes

    For those of you still on vacation (or you have the ability to listen to radio while at work), I just finished a half-hour appearance on Ontario Today...

  • Toronto bike mag set to launch

    Our friends over at Dandyhorse magazine are ready to launch Toronto’s newest bike culture magazine. Many Spacing contributors — including...

  • Why street-side trees are dying, part III

    One year ago I posted about a set of five dead or dying trees at the Yonge and Finch intersection (see photo above), and two weeks ago I followed up with...

  • Queen West “Hug Me” tree finds a new home

    As we first reported yesterday, the fabled graffiti tree at Queen West and Peter, also known as the “Hug Me” tree, fell over ending its near...

  • If a graffiti tree falls on Queen West will anyone notice?

    One of my favourite things about the strip of Queen West between University and Spadina, not too far from Spacing’s office, is the graffiti tree at...