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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

  • Monday afternoon links

    On Sunday, I wanted to catch the 4:43am ride on the newly opened section of the St Clair right-of-way (ROW) but I came down with a serious flu bug...

  • Passing by Lower Bay

    For the next six weekends, starting next Saturday, riders on the Bloor-Danforth line will have to transfer trains at Museum station because Bay station is...

  • A northern flight up Bathurst Street

    Spacing’s associate editor Shawn Micallef wrote the lead City article in this week’s Eye Weekly about the life and times of Bathurst Street...

  • Turn your attention to Spacing Photos, please

    Spacing Photos, our daily photoblog of Toronto’s public spaces, has been up and running again for the last two weeks (we took a little hiatus after...

  • Illegal Signs blog launches!

    Here at Spacing, we’ve been using the term “ad creep” for years to help illustrate the impact of intrusive outdoor advertising in...

  • Toronto, before and after

    I love before and after photos. It shows how much things change and how much they stay the same. The above images are looking west on Queen St. West from...

  • New York creates the Jane Jacobs Medal

    In 1997, a conference here in Toronto called “Jane Jacobs: Ideas That Matter” gathered hundreds of the world’s most prominent thinkers...

  • Minding the gap for the Better Way

    Today’s Toronto Star has a full-page feature on last weekend’s Toronto Transit Camp. It’s a good feature that tries to show the rest of...

  • Sunday’s headlines

    • CN disputes strike’s legality [ Toronto Star ] • Escaped slaves helped build Toronto [ Toronto Star ] • Mayors endorse GST scheme...

  • Logo Cities

    I thought I’d bring Logo Cities to your attention. It’s a really interesting project out of Montreal that deals with the lettering, signs, and...

  • Saturday’s headlines

    TRANSIT • GO Transit on track as CN conductors strike [ Toronto Star ] • GO riders should plan for CN strike, official says [ Globe and Mail ...

  • World’s Ten Most Dynamic Cities, according to Newsweek

    Newsweek magazine has an article in their current issue which highlights the 10 most dynamic cities in the world. While Toronto is not included on the...