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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

  • If you don’t like salad, don’t do graffiti-ing

    Reno 911 is one of my favourite TV shows. I was watching some of their earlier episodes which featured this excellent public service announcement to...

  • Small updates to Spacing Wire

    We’ll be tweaking some of the design and functions of the Spacing Wire over the next week (we’ve updated the logo already, as you can see). We...

  • You park like an asshole

    I occasionally drive, borrowing my mom’s car once a month to pick up large items out in the ‘burbs. This means I also get to experience the...

  • Queen West Triangle decision to be appealed?

    The decision by the OMB to award developers everything they asked for in the Queen West Triangle, despite the wishes of City Hall, local residents and the...

  • Article links to kill time on Monday afternoon

    illustration of 48 Abell, Queen St. W. I’ve compiled a bunch of links from blogs, today’s papers, and the weekend papers. Also, Robert...

  • Help improve the TTC’s website

    On New Year’s Day, Robert Ouellete, the editor of Reading Toronto, posted a challenge to TTC Chair Adam Giambrone: let the bloggers of Toronto give...

  • Alley Jaunt wants to flaunt

    Alley Jaunt is seeking five special projects for its 5th anniversary. Here are the deets: We want to do more than jaunt, we want to FLAUNT our five years...

  • City Hall sniping, TTC developments, and assorted links

    CITY HALL articles: • Councillor decries secrecy of hydro pole deal [ Globe and Mail ] • Inside City Hall feature [ Globe and Mail ] &bull...

  • A little history of the TTC’s web site

    Since we created the subway station buttons over two years ago we’ve come into contact with a lot of rail fans and people with a real passion to see...

  • Friday’s links to public space articles

    • City under fire for secrecy [ Globe and Mail ] • The sounds of the underground [ Globe and Mail ] • Scary walkways get some life ...

  • Transit map as a trend chart

    I came across this cool map hack — it takes London’s Underground Tokyo’s subway map and uses it as a chart to show the trends of the...

  • Segways banned in Holland

    From today’s Toronto Star: Dutch police banned Segways from all public roads, bike paths and walkways as of New Year’s Day, surprising the...