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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

  • Sam Javanrouh photo from lightning storm

    Sam Javanrouh, the world famous Toronto photoblogger and regular Spacing contributor, captured this amazing photo of the lightning storm we had the other...

  • EUCAN and misinformation

    The Megabin project is dead, but the war or words is still raging. Joe Clark, Leslieville’s loudest booster, recently found EUCAN misleading the...

  • Pirates of the Streetcar party

    Pirates of the Streetcar Party: A fundraiser for Newmindspace Friday, August 4th 2006, Bathurst & Wolseley @ 7:30p Our friendly, freaky friends over...

  • Headlines worth following: Aug 2

    • Toronto police to use closed circuit TV at Caribana parade [ National Post ] • Police to film street party [ Globe and Mail ] • Ad on...

  • Toronto waterfront enters Hall of Shame

    Project for Public Spaces in New York has a fantastic website that offers up lots of interesting urban planning solutions. One of their features is a Hall...

  • Solar-powered trash compactors that don’t recycle

    Most large cities in North America are facing their own garbage crises, so Toronto shouldn’t feel it’s the only one trying to find solutions...

  • Things That Move: streetcar doc on HistoryTV

    Back in the winter, I was interviewed about Toronto’s streetcars for an episode in a documentary series called Things That Move for History...

  • Nature in the Garage

    Nature in the Garage, an exhibition carried out by Gallery 1313, in association with liveARTs, and in partnership with the City of Toronto, runs from June...

  • Heat, heat, everywhere…

    The Toronto Star has three articles that are inter-related. The first one is about Baby Boomers and how they will bear the brunt of smog-related illnesses...

  • Weekend headlines on public space issues

    Christopher Hume has a great piece in the Star today about the redevelopment of Beirut during the 1990s and its connection to Toronto’s waterfront...

  • Street Signing Man

    I’ve been interested in street signage since my early teen years — I think my first act of admiration for our wayfinders came when I was 14...

  • Infrastucture art

    I was forwarded an interesting art exhibit called Safe Design sponsored by Safety Issues magazine that took place at the MoMA in New York last fall. A few...