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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

  • No swimming

    From the Toronto Star: It’s going to be hot, hot, hot for the next several days. So, where do you go to cool off? To the beach, of course. But wait...

  • Two cycling designs to watch out for

    I’m at the stage in my life where the possibility of having kids is quite real. It takes a lot of planning for me to get into “big...

  • Statscan releases commuting figures

    In the Globe and Mail today: The average Canadian spends more than an hour a day — or 12 full days a year — trekking to and from work...

  • Should the City buy Jane Jacobs’ house?

    From today’s Globe and Mail, an article on whether the city should buy Jane Jacobs’ house: With an asking price of $850,000, the ivy-covered...

  • Forbes’ Least Green Machines

    North America’s most harmful vehicle: 2006 Ford E-Series van Forbes magazine has produced its first Least Green Machines list: a who’s who of...

  • Useful billboards

    Ad creep is an obivous concern for us folks at Spacing, but there are instances when some good can come from it. Take the California community of...

  • …the 77B on the TTC!

    Two weeks ago we posted the “Romantic Traffic” video by the Spoons that was filmed on the TTC subway lines. Today, we found “The Spadina...

  • Italy!

    The above photo was taken at the corner of St. Clair and Dufferin around midnight the day Italy advanced to the World Cup final. I can only imagine how...

  • Collection of articles

    NOW has a few good stories in their current issue. 1. Street furniture debate at City Hall “It’s too early to say whether the forthcoming...

  • The dirt on graffiti

    Is it still graffiti if all you’re doing is cleaning away dirt? Street artist Paul Curtis (aka Moose) has been messing with the minds of city...

  • Dancing on the street corner

    This is an interesting little self-made documentary about dancing on the corner of a street and the type of reactions and experiences one can encounter...

  • Million dollar building

    A few months back a website gained notoriety for selling tiny pieces of it’s homepage in a crass attempt to raise $1 million. The Sandberg Institute...