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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

  • Billboard liberation

    Nothing better than a liberated billboard to celebrate our first anniversary. This piece was done by Fauxreel. It was up recently for 43 hours at Spadina...

  • The TTC is at it again…

    Sigh. The marketing geek in me keeps holding out for the TTC to come up with smart and effective self-promotion and marketing campaigns. Their new...

  • MTV Canada goes public (space)

    If you have cable and can receive MTV Canada signals, you should check out MTV Live tonight (6-7pm, channel 59 with Rogers). They will be broadcasting a...

  • SPACING: CN Tower anniversary & the highest free-standing poster

    Today marks the 30th anniversary of the CN Tower. For many of us it is just part of the city’s skyline, but it dramatically remade the image of this...

  • The centre of the public space movement

    If you go to Google’s website you can do a search on trends. We punched in “public space” to see which cities in the world had...

  • PS Kensington on Sunday

    Tomorrow is the second Pedestrian Sunday Kensington of the year.  It starts at 1pm and goes to 7pm (and Augusta is closed to 10pm). Spacing will be there...

  • Howard Moscoe a headline maker

    Over the last few weeks, more ink has been spilled about Howard Moscoe than most city councillors receive in a term. Check out the recent articles: the...

  • Chainless bike

    I’ve had a bad two weeks with my bike — three flat tires. I have surmised that something is caught inside my tire which is causing the...

  • Port Authority sues CommunityAIR

    According to the CBC, the Toronto Port Authority has filed a $3-million lawsuit against CommunityAIR, (the group that helped stop the bridge to the...

  • Excuse me, but we’re number 3!

    While Toronto may lag behind other cities it our quest to be a “world-class city” (probably now the most over-hyped and meaningless word in...

  • New Toronto recycle calendar goes back in time

    Spacing Wire reader Derek Wuenschirs sent us an email today that was a good laugh — the City has released the new recycling calendar for 2006 and...

  • SPACING: Melbourne vs. Toronto: LRT showdown

    Each Monday, is posting articles to the Spacing Archives. This week’s piece is a comparison of Toronto and Melbourne, Australia’s...