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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

  • Distillery is anti-franchise, the airport LINK, and small town efficiency

    All articles are from today’s Toronto Star. Distillery avoids sameness: from Chistopher Hume today…. For most visitors, the Distillery...

  • There’s more to World Cup than soccer

    It was nice to read a sports column today in the Star that wasn’t exactly about sports. Cathal Kelly, the Star’s man at the World Cup in...

  • Set a new BENCHmark

    If you picked up a copy of Spacing‘s Winter 2006 issue (“The New Beautiful City”) you may have seen an article by Anna Bowness on...

  • Drinking & cycling, new subways & TTC routes, street racing, police animals

    • A teen was caught drinking and cycling and fell into an Etobicoke ravine. • There’s more controversy surrounding those new subway cars...

  • The Adidas bridge at the World Cup

    Just like the Olympics, the World Cup is an outdoor ad agency’s wet dream. Adidas placed this massive billboard over a bridge construction site on...

  • The branding of Home

    What would the neighbours think? I’ve always wondered when branding would reach the homestead. Not surprisingly, one of the most obnoxious shows on...

  • Public space in the news today

    • The Feds have tabled a law that specifies street racing as a crime. • The Howard Moscoe saga continues: Moscoe came under fire at council...

  • Street furniture gone wild

    Today at Toronto’s City Hall, city councillors will finish their debate about the possible street furniture contract the City wishes to tender in...

  • Improv Everywhere

    There’s a great improv group out of New York called Improv Everywhere who do clever public interventions. They are ususally elaborate and involve...

  • Headlines worth following

    Here are a few headlines worth following today, and I’d love to hear your comments about: The City of Toronto Act: the new law passed yesterday at...

  • Pics of the new Opera House

    Spacing was able to get a sneak peak at the new Opera House that is nearing completion at the corner of Queen St. West and University. We sent our man...

  • New iPod skin design: Tokyo subway map

    More ideas for potential TTC merchandise: iPod skin of the subway system. Over at GelaSkins, you can buy an ultra-thin, high-grade vinyl skin of the Tokyo...